A modern revolution against billionaires, the 1%, and multinational corporations would require a multi-pronged approach, focusing on economic, political, and social transformation. Here’s how it could be structured for success in the U.S. and then expanded globally:
1. Mass Mobilization & Awareness
• Build a Movement: Grassroots organizing is essential. Leverage social media, alternative media, and in-person activism to educate and mobilize people.
• Common Narrative: Unite working-class people, small business owners, and the middle class with a shared vision against economic exploitation.
• Expose Corruption: Investigative journalism, whistleblowers, and independent media must reveal how the elite manipulate the system.
2. Economic Resistance
• Boycotts & Strikes: Organize mass boycotts of multinational corporations and support local businesses. A coordinated refusal to participate in exploitative economies can be powerful.
• Worker Cooperatives & Unions: Encourage worker ownership of businesses and support unionization to shift economic power.
• Alternative Currencies & Decentralization: Promote cryptocurrencies, local currencies, and barter systems to bypass corporate-controlled financial systems.
3. Political Action & Systemic Change
• Elect Anti-Corporate Politicians: Support candidates who reject corporate money and advocate for wealth redistribution, strong antitrust laws, and worker protections.
• Campaign Finance Reform: Push for public funding of elections and limits on corporate lobbying.
• Nationalization of Key Industries: Advocate for public ownership of healthcare, energy, and critical infrastructure to remove corporate profit motives.
4. Legal & Policy Battles
• Break Up Monopolies: Reinstate aggressive antitrust laws to dismantle corporate giants like Amazon, Google, and major banks.
• Tax the Ultra-Rich: Implement wealth taxes, close tax loopholes, and offshore tax havens to redistribute wealth.
• Universal Basic Income (UBI): Provide a social safety net to empower individuals to resist corporate exploitation.
5. Building Parallel Institutions
• Public Banks & Credit Unions: Reduce reliance on Wall Street by shifting money into member-owned financial institutions.
• Independent Tech & Media: Develop alternative digital platforms that aren’t controlled by billionaires.
• Sustainable Agriculture & Local Production: Reduce corporate food control by promoting local farms and community-supported agriculture (CSA).
6. Global Expansion
• International Alliances: Partner with movements in Europe, Latin America, and Asia to coordinate global action.
• Worker Solidarity Networks: Unions and labor organizations must collaborate across borders to fight multinational corporations together.
• Debt Resistance: Support developing nations in rejecting exploitative IMF and World Bank policies.
7. Direct Action & Civil Disobedience
• Occupy & Blockades: Disrupt corporate infrastructure, such as major financial centers, ports, and supply chains.
• Digital Resistance: Hacktivism, leaks, and exposing corporate corruption through digital means.
• Mass Civil Disobedience: Peaceful but disruptive actions such as tax resistance, rent strikes, and occupying public spaces.
8. Defense Against Repression
• Legal Defense Funds: Provide support for activists and whistleblowers facing legal action.
• Community Protection Networks: Ensure protests and actions are safeguarded against police and corporate-funded repression.
• Secure Communication: Use encrypted messaging and decentralized platforms to prevent surveillance.
This revolution must be sustained, global, and multifaceted—targeting economic, political, and social structures simultaneously. It requires organization, resilience, and a clear vision to succeed against powerful corporate and billionaire interests.
"While countless immigrants will be swept up and deported, it will be just enough to say he kept his promise, without stepping on the toes of his capitalist friends."
Trump is doing as he's told by the oligarchy. He knows that billionaires didn't become billionaires by paying all their employees fair wages and benefits. This immigration/border business will eventually die down, but how many lives will be lost in the meantime?
Troops on the ground should consider that while the perpetrators of the Kent State massacre may not have been held accountable, they were put through a legal nightmare that lasted for years.
Given Populous Response of the past 30 years, it would appear we're at #2 but need to be at #4-8.
At this rate we'll all be long gone before we're out from under this Corporate TotalitarianFascist ZioNaziMossadMafia OCCUPATION.
ALL of HĀTŌ is being rendered into a 1990s Post-USSR Russia, CIA Oligarchy. How many will starve and freeze to death before We Unite in declaring ENOUGH and refuse to PROFIT their PARASITE CLASS of CRIMINALLY Depraved MassMuderer, EXTORTIONIST THIEVES❓
THANK YOU❗️ I keep asking WHY Government Employees obey UnConstitutional Orders. NO one wants to discuss The DUTY To DisObey, so vital to turning this Beast around.
How to start a Revolution!
A modern revolution against billionaires, the 1%, and multinational corporations would require a multi-pronged approach, focusing on economic, political, and social transformation. Here’s how it could be structured for success in the U.S. and then expanded globally:
1. Mass Mobilization & Awareness
• Build a Movement: Grassroots organizing is essential. Leverage social media, alternative media, and in-person activism to educate and mobilize people.
• Common Narrative: Unite working-class people, small business owners, and the middle class with a shared vision against economic exploitation.
• Expose Corruption: Investigative journalism, whistleblowers, and independent media must reveal how the elite manipulate the system.
2. Economic Resistance
• Boycotts & Strikes: Organize mass boycotts of multinational corporations and support local businesses. A coordinated refusal to participate in exploitative economies can be powerful.
• Worker Cooperatives & Unions: Encourage worker ownership of businesses and support unionization to shift economic power.
• Alternative Currencies & Decentralization: Promote cryptocurrencies, local currencies, and barter systems to bypass corporate-controlled financial systems.
3. Political Action & Systemic Change
• Elect Anti-Corporate Politicians: Support candidates who reject corporate money and advocate for wealth redistribution, strong antitrust laws, and worker protections.
• Campaign Finance Reform: Push for public funding of elections and limits on corporate lobbying.
• Nationalization of Key Industries: Advocate for public ownership of healthcare, energy, and critical infrastructure to remove corporate profit motives.
4. Legal & Policy Battles
• Break Up Monopolies: Reinstate aggressive antitrust laws to dismantle corporate giants like Amazon, Google, and major banks.
• Tax the Ultra-Rich: Implement wealth taxes, close tax loopholes, and offshore tax havens to redistribute wealth.
• Universal Basic Income (UBI): Provide a social safety net to empower individuals to resist corporate exploitation.
5. Building Parallel Institutions
• Public Banks & Credit Unions: Reduce reliance on Wall Street by shifting money into member-owned financial institutions.
• Independent Tech & Media: Develop alternative digital platforms that aren’t controlled by billionaires.
• Sustainable Agriculture & Local Production: Reduce corporate food control by promoting local farms and community-supported agriculture (CSA).
6. Global Expansion
• International Alliances: Partner with movements in Europe, Latin America, and Asia to coordinate global action.
• Worker Solidarity Networks: Unions and labor organizations must collaborate across borders to fight multinational corporations together.
• Debt Resistance: Support developing nations in rejecting exploitative IMF and World Bank policies.
7. Direct Action & Civil Disobedience
• Occupy & Blockades: Disrupt corporate infrastructure, such as major financial centers, ports, and supply chains.
• Digital Resistance: Hacktivism, leaks, and exposing corporate corruption through digital means.
• Mass Civil Disobedience: Peaceful but disruptive actions such as tax resistance, rent strikes, and occupying public spaces.
8. Defense Against Repression
• Legal Defense Funds: Provide support for activists and whistleblowers facing legal action.
• Community Protection Networks: Ensure protests and actions are safeguarded against police and corporate-funded repression.
• Secure Communication: Use encrypted messaging and decentralized platforms to prevent surveillance.
This revolution must be sustained, global, and multifaceted—targeting economic, political, and social structures simultaneously. It requires organization, resilience, and a clear vision to succeed against powerful corporate and billionaire interests.
"While countless immigrants will be swept up and deported, it will be just enough to say he kept his promise, without stepping on the toes of his capitalist friends."
Trump is doing as he's told by the oligarchy. He knows that billionaires didn't become billionaires by paying all their employees fair wages and benefits. This immigration/border business will eventually die down, but how many lives will be lost in the meantime?
Great piece Mike, thanks for the read.
Troops on the ground should consider that while the perpetrators of the Kent State massacre may not have been held accountable, they were put through a legal nightmare that lasted for years.
Given Populous Response of the past 30 years, it would appear we're at #2 but need to be at #4-8.
At this rate we'll all be long gone before we're out from under this Corporate TotalitarianFascist ZioNaziMossadMafia OCCUPATION.
ALL of HĀTŌ is being rendered into a 1990s Post-USSR Russia, CIA Oligarchy. How many will starve and freeze to death before We Unite in declaring ENOUGH and refuse to PROFIT their PARASITE CLASS of CRIMINALLY Depraved MassMuderer, EXTORTIONIST THIEVES❓
THANK YOU❗️ I keep asking WHY Government Employees obey UnConstitutional Orders. NO one wants to discuss The DUTY To DisObey, so vital to turning this Beast around.