Thank you for covering this. I spread the GI Rights Hotline info quite often on social media. We must all stand behind this service member and his honorable actions.
When the White House says that a military action is for “American interests” it has never meant the American people. It’s American corporations and oligarchs.
Thank you for covering this. I spread the GI Rights Hotline info quite often on social media. We must all stand behind this service member and his honorable actions.
When the White House says that a military action is for “American interests” it has never meant the American people. It’s American corporations and oligarchs.
George Carlin said the rich ruling elite upper classes send the working classes and middle classes out to wars to defend the elites wealth
Thank you to all conscientious objectors of war! You are courageous.
War and violence has always been murder and destruction towards poor people, and towards life for the rest of the majority of the living masses.
War has Never helped humanity become better humans! It is quite the opposite. Humanity becomes more coarse, and moves further from becoming civilized.
People need and want Peace in this world!
War is anti- civilization, anti- humanity.
Be happy you made the choice to conscientiously commit to your own humanity.
Be happy that you woke up to a very normal human desire for Peace, in this One Life you have here on Earth.
I wish him luck. They can destroy you if they want to. I know from experience. (art site)
Thank you for this post.I recommend Dahr Jamail's and Francis Boyle JD, PhDs' writings on this also.